Monroe County Obituaries

Monroe Evening News, February 20, 1929

Aged Farmer Dies Of Heart Trouble

Adolphus Labeau, a retired farmer, dropped dead while playing cards at the home of his grand daughter, Mrs. Michael Campeau, on the Post Road in Frenchtown, late Tuesday afternoon. Death was caused by heart trouble. Mr. Labeau was born in Frenchtown 88 years ago and lived in that township all his life. He retired from farming about 40 years ago and since the death of his wife, ten years ago, he had made his home with Mrs. Campeau.Besides Mrs. Campeau he leaves 21 other grandchildren, 62 great grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.

Funeral serviceswill be held at the Campeau home Friday afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev. Henry Frincke, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church will officiate. Burial will be in Woodland Cemetery.

Submitted by Mike Sandridge